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Material consumption for production line

When the production process needs to consume a material without a direct relation to the production item e.g. coloring (used in multiple production items) or some other additive.

There are two ways to solve this:

1. Internal deliveries

We can create an internal delivery, where we write off this material to “internal” consumption. This is mainly manual and error-prone. Also there is no way how to “mimic” the real movement of material that is required on the production line to be added as physical consumption.

2. Virtual production line with production item

We can create a virtual production line (Consumption/Additives/Manual declaration) that will produce a “placeholder” production item (this production item will not eventually be produced) that can have a consumption scheduled precisely. This way other modules will work correctly, because the consumption will be visible in Warehouse Terminal Control (Production line consumption - module) where the warehouse knows, it needs to provide the specified material for this virtual production line.

Therefore the consumption will follow the same process as a standard material needed for production.

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